Out from Under the Shadows: Shadow Bombing Tour

Presented by Studio 34

Free Admission


Saturday February 1, 2025
Time: 7:00 PM - 10:00 PM

Saturday February 8, 2025
Time: 7:00 PM - 10:00 PM

Sunday February 16, 2025
Time: 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM


Telus Convention Centre
136 8th Ave SE, Calgary


Every Saturday night of the Blast come and enjoy free hot chocolate with Kid.Be and embark on a Shadow Bombing tour and impromptu artist talk. Explore the vastness of our concrete jungle through the diverse imagery of Kid.Be’s figurative artworks with his improvised mobile GOBO projector. Experience the diverse range of projected distortions and abstractions such as: stretching and warping the projection with sharp angles of the device to the surface, projecting on large leaved trees, multiple surfaces at the same time-creating depth and distortions and bouncing the projections off glass surfaces to generate multiple projections on multiple surfaces. During the tour the artist gives an impromptu artist talk, sharing about the artworks that led him to this process, the origins of his art practice, what inspires him, and he answers questions and takes suggestions for projection surfaces.



Kid.Be is an urban interventionist specializing in public art, shadow bombing, and plasma painted shadow murals. Placemaking is at the core of his urban interventions, here he creates a place of transition where the usual boundaries of thought, self-understanding, and behaviour shift, opening the way to something new.

  • Wheelchair accessible
  • Mobility device accessible (i.e., cane, wheelchair)

Presented By

Important Programming Update for Friday Feb 14 and Saturday Feb 15

We’ve been holding out for that warm Chinook breeze, but it looks like it’s taking a little longer to arrive. To keep everyone comfortable and the good vibes flowing, we’re making a few adjustments:

Friday Performances on RISE UP Calgary Community Stage and along Stephen Avenue – Rescheduled. 

Saturday Performances – Moving inside to the 2nd Floor at THE CORE Shopping Centre. Performances are now from 12 – 6 pm. 

Learn more here